Mon - 9:00 AM to 7:00 PM
Tue - Closed
Wed - 9:00 AM to 7:00 PM
Thu - Closed
Fri - 9:00 AM to 7:00 PM
Sat - Closed
Sun - Closed
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Physio Therapy

What is Physio Therapy?

Physio Therapy is the treatment of a wide range of conditions and injuries to the body through the use of various forms of passive mobilization, massage, electro therapy and exercise.

Electrical muscle stimulation

Electrical muscle stimulation is a process through which low-level electrical currents are used to stimulate muscles, forcing them to contract.

Muscle Re-education

Muscle re-education through electrical muscle stimulation is used in the early stages of physical rehabilitation following an injury that has either left certain muscles unused for a long period of time, or that has affected the brain. The goals of this treatment are to build basic tone and strength in weakened muscles and to force the contraction of these muscles in a coordinated pattern to strengthen the cognitive link between the brain and the movements. After training with electrical stimulation, physical rehab patients can move on to more strenuous exercises to return muscles to their optimal strength

InfaRed Therapy

Studies have proven that infrared Light brings would healing and pain relief for areas of pain in all parts of your body.

Therapeutic Ultra Sound

Therapeutic ultrasound is a treatment modality commonly used in physical therapy. It is used to provide deep heating to soft tissues in the body. These include muscles, tendons, joints and ligaments. Ultrasound in physical therapy is not to be confused with diagnostic ultrasound, which is ultrasound that is used to see the inside of the body, such as checking on a fetus during pregnancy.

What Does Ultrasound Do?

Deep heating effects. Ultrasound is often used to provide deep heating to soft tissue structures in the body. Deep heating tendons, muscles or ligaments increases circulation to those tissues, which is thought to help the healing process. Increasing tissue temperature with ultrasound is also used to help decrease pain.

Deep heating can be used to increase the "stretchiness" of muscles and tendons that may be tight. If you have shoulder pain and have been diagnosed with a frozen shoulder, your physical therapist may use ultrasound to help improve the extensibility of the tissues around your shoulder prior to performing range of motion exercises. This may help improve the ability of your shoulder to stretch.

Non-thermal effects (cavitation). Ultrasound introduces energy into the body. This energy causes microscopic gas bubbles around your tissues to expand and contract rapidly, a process called cavitation. It is theorized that the expansion and contraction of these bubbles help speed cellular processes and improves healing of injured tissue.

Hot/Cold Packs

Heat and cold therapy is thought to be more effective than over-the-counter drugs by many pain sufferers. It represents a viable choice in no medicinal pain relief. Temporary medical conditions that respond well to heat and cold therapy include muscle strains, joint sprains and any injury that causes visible swelling or internal aching. Chronic physical ailments can be eased with hot or cold applications when pain flares. These include osteoarthritis, migraines, sports injuries, repetitive motion syndromes, fibromyalgia and conditions that cause back pain.


A paraffin dip, also called a wax dip, is a treatment used help to relieve the pain and stiffness of joint and muscle conditions, such as arthritis. It consists of melted, warm paraffin, which is applied to the affected area of the body, such as the hands. The hands are repeatedly dipped into the paraffin, allowed to cool and harden, then easily peeled off.

Roller Tables

Reduce Stress: Chiropractors feel that stress can cause intense pain. When people experience stress, their muscles can tighten, causing the spine to compress. The compression of the spine can affect the nerves in the area causing pain in many parts of the body. A roller table can help patients through the use of pressure and heat, to relax by helping the muscles to stretch, relieving pressure on the spinal column, thereby relieving stress. Some chiropractors will lower the lights in the room while the patient is on the table.

Restore Normal Spinal Curves At times when people experience pain, they adjust the way the walk or the way they sit to alleviate that pain. If the pain is persistent, and the adjusting behavior continues, the muscles and spine can eventually contort, further exacerbating the patient's pain. By using a roller table, muscles and the spine are stretched, so to speak, in unison across the body, potentially helping to restore normal posture.

Improve Balance and Strength When lying on a roller table, the muscles throughout the neck and back are forced to flex and relax. It can stimulate muscles that, for one reason or another, are not exercised effectively otherwise. Exercising these muscles can lead to a stronger back, which lends to better balance.

Increase Spinal Range of Motion Chiropractors feel that lightly forcing the vertebrae apart increases the flow of vital nutrients entering spinal discs. This leads to healthier discs and, in turn, a healthier spine. When the spine is at its optimum, a patient will be more likely, and able, to move more freely. So the more a patient is able to move his back, the more he will be able to in the future as he continues to work his back, allowing it to heal.

Improve Circulation of Spinal Fluids There are times when the vertebrae can become compressed, decreasing the flow of spinal fluids. Fluids are important as they help the discs, which separate the vertebrae, to act as cushions so that those vertebrae are not rubbing one another and pinching nerves. This can be a cyclical problem. To help alleviate the ill effects of this, chiropractors use the roller table to move the vertebrae to and fro, allowing them to separate enough to allow for better circulation.

Chiropractors use several techniques to help their patients recover from a variety of ailments which can cause a number of painful symptoms. Intersegment traction is one method of rehabilitation that chiropractors utilize. They use a table, often called a "roller table," to aid them in this.